Woman: The New Consumerism

Category: , By Lupin Tan
Plugging from 9eek 9oddess,
in her entry "Only Women READ this... (men keep away!)"

"If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning." - Aristotle Onassis

As an Amateur Economy Analyst, I can't help but say how true is the above statement. Even in this little island, you can start seeing the swing of advertising towards the feminine direction, as seen by the entry of 9eek 9oddess.

The following link provide the insight:
What women want: the growing economic power of women consumers is transforming today's marketplace. Find out how to tap into the desires of women—and watch your business take off - Cover Story

But here is another insight.

women = moneyXtime
time = money
money = root of all evil
women = (sqr root evil)X(sqr root evil)
women = (sqr root evil)*2
women = evil

Hey, I'm not the one who come out with it, don't.

But I personally feel that the below holds the divine truth as commented.

A suscessful man is someone who can earn more than his woman can spent.

A suscessful woman is someone who can find such a man.

PS. Ha, It's been long since I wrote an entry, WROTE!!! Do read it.

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