MM Lee on the escape of Mas Selamat.

Category: , By Lupin Tan
'But obviously, he is a very wily sort of person and must have won the confidence of whoever were his custodians.

'So when he said he wanted to go to the toilet, they allowed him to go to the toilet. Whether the toilet had bars and there was no exit from the windows, that has to be explained.

'I give him full marks for having won the confidence of his custodians - that he's completely docile, completely passive and he's going to remain in captivity.'

'It shows that it is a fallacy, it is stupid to believe we are infallible. We are not infallible. One mistake and we've got a big explosive in our midst. So let's not take this lightly,'

'So we have to find out. It's a game of tracing the possibilities. I'm not a security expert, I'm not a detective...but we do have people who understand what we ought to be following. But we ought to keep the pressure up.'

From The Straits Times

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